In my last blog I described a portion of the upper Rogue River trail that I have been hiking off and on for 50 years. I don’t know the history of the trail but think it probably dates back to the great depression and the Civilian Conservation Corps. That would make the trail nearly 90 years old. It has survived many storms over the years. But, in 2015 or 2016 a major storm severely damaged most the trail above Union Creek, OR. It is essentially impassible if you can even find it. Bridges are washed out, old growth trees fallen over it, and whole sections washed out. I just talked to a forest service person at the Prospect Ranger station and was informed that a portion of the trail from the Rogue River gorge in Union Creek is open to the south, but even though it is on their honey do list, there is no money to repair the northern portion of the trail.
Not knowing how bad it was in 2018 I tried to lead two family friends and their college age son to the log jam. None of them had ever caught a trout in their lives and I had bragged up the spot for so long, that they drove out from North Carolina to primitive camp and then hike in to fish at my spot. Took us about an hour to even find the trail after we forded Foster Creek. Then spent the next three hours trying to follow what was left it to the jamb. When we finally got to the hole, the jamb was gone and the spot where it had been was shallow and unfishable. Took us two hours to get back to our starting point. I am now 72 and my knees seem like they are older. I cannot do that hike again. My heart hangs heavy in the thought that I may never be able to hike and fish that section again.
In a country besot with Covid 19, red hatted insurrectionist, BLM protests, and massive distrust of government agencies, the loss of a few miles of 90-year-old trail is a trivial matter. Below are photos of what I have lost, possible forever.

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