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Great States

I have a question. Why is it that every time a congressman, governor, or senator is interviewed by a talking head, that they are introduced as representing the “great state” of wherever.  Are all states great?  Shouldn’t there be lessor states, not so great ones, or ones that just plain suck? What are the criteria that makes a state great or is it as simple as “you’re a state, here is your participation trophy”.  But even in those ceremonies there is always an MVP or most improved recognitions, and even the most biased parents of the team are aware that some players contributed more than their kid who couldn’t hit the ball off the tee and if they did the clutz had to be urged by the coach to run to first base.  And if you accept the participation trophy idea, there were times when some of our states did not participate.  Eleven great states seceded during the civil war.  Surely during that time, they were not considered great states. It took four years of the most horrendous war in this nation’s history to force them back into the union.  Did they automatically become great after being dragged kicking and screaming back into the union? Should they have been considered great after that when they led the nation in lynching’s for the next 100 years?

I google when a state is considered great.  Apparently, I am not the first one to ask this question.  The best answer to this question was that it is just a common phrase and shows a polite and respectful way of referring to colleague’s home state.  Great does not necessarily refer to size as every state is known for doing something well or is important for contributing significantly to the union, apart from Rhode Island.  I disagree with that one as Rhode Island gave us tiny hot dogs, a certain type of lemonade and “coffee milk” what ever the fuck that is.  Those contributions from the great state of Rhode Island were of great relief to me as Oregon, my home state and more proudly for me my alma mater, Oregon State University (Earthquake Enyart RIP) gave us the maraschino cherry.  Anybody who has ever eaten an ice cream sundae knows that it is just so-so unless there is a maraschino cherry on top.  Oregon can also be considered great due to our contribution to WWII.  Aircraft carrier decks were originally clad in teak, but after the Japs took the teak forests, spruce and Douglas fir had to be substituted. Which state supplied the Navy with this vital material? It was the great state of Oregon.  Much better than tiny winners and coffee milk.  My house in Waldport, OR, is a testament to this great state designation as it was made by shoving three railroad shacks together from a loading dock where the spruce was off loaded to win the war.  None of the floors in my house are level, but greatness implies that sacrifices must be made for the greater good.  Also, the flaws in my house gives me lots of things to do in my retirement.

Thus, it appears that by these criteria every state in union deserves the designation of “great”.  Iowa gave us corn, Kansas wheat, Michigan cars, Arizona giant cacti that look like deformed penises, Hawaii pigs with apples in their mouths, and California the magic kingdom, which I will visit one more time before I die.  Texas gave us Lyndon Johnson, two Bushes and Ted Cruz…FUCK TEXAS, you suck!

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